Steam high rating shooting game, developers died and free distribution. Full of voices mourning for death in user reviews
The creators of the shooting game Waves and Waves 2: Notorious being distributed on Steam have become those who have returned. In response to this, Steam user reviews have commented on his condolences in his death. Overseas media Kotaku reports.
Waves is a full-direction-direction shooting game. We continue to defeat bugs and viruses approaching in the cyber space and aim for a high score. You can defeat the enemy and connect the combo, and you can use bomb for each 10 combos. It features a game play that chains a bomb, such as acquiring the next bomb with a bomb combo.
In the sequel Waves 2: Notorious, the use of the bomb is a gauge system, and the game play has been changed because it is unrelated to the number of combo. New elements such as roadout functions that allows you to set shots and bomb performance by sorting points. Multi-player mode has also been added. Waves 2: Notorious was launched early in 2015 and has been updated for the official release.
Both Waves and Waves 2: Notorious have acquired very popular status in Steam user reviews. In addition to the glittering graphics, the exhilarating game play by bomb has been highly evaluated. Updating balance improvement was also popular with users.
Rob Hale, a personal developer Squid in A Box, was working on this series. On August 14, a partner CJ posted a thread on the Steam bulletin board of Waves 2: Notorious. According to CJ, HALE had been fighting for cancer for a long time. For the past two months, Hale's physical condition has fallen into a more serious state, and two weeks ago he was not returned due to cancer complications.
According to CJ's post, Waves and Waves 2: Notorious are currently being distributed free of charge according to Hale's intention. Aside from Hale, CJ wants to have anyone who has never played this work pick it up.
According to CJ, Waves 2: Notorious has made it difficult to secure development time due to the deterioration of economic conditions due to new colonaviruses and Hale's health condition. CJ mentioned that Waves 2: Notorious did not see the completion, but mentioned Hale's extraordinary passion for making games. CJ pays tribute to Hale, who has continued to develop games and has been constantly taking on challenges.
In response to this report, many user reviews of Waves and Waves 2: Notorious have been mourning Hale. In such a post, there are also reviews from users who have never played both works before. There are comments that regret HALE's death, but thank you for enjoying both works. As Hale's intended, Waves and Waves 2: Notorious seem to be popular with many players as a goodbye gift from him.
Waves and Waves 2: Notorious are being distributed for free for PCs (Steam). Why don't you play with Hale's carefully created shooting games?
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